Trash Panda is a print journal of the best of English language haiku/senryu and other short form micropoems of 17 syllables or less that uniquely convey the reality of life in the Anthropocene. Priority will be given to poems that express nature and our life on earth as we experience it today in the midst of the a 6th great extinction event. Plastic bags may flutter from cherry trees, and herons may stand in filthy water. Every issue of Trash Panda should read true as a snapshot of our shared experience around the world.
Poems may be new or previously published. Publication rights are restored to the author upon release of publication, but Trash Panda reserves the right to republish on this website, on social media, and in any future anthologies.
Summer Issue:
Submissions are accepted between April 1st and April 15th.
Winter Issue:
Submissions must be received between October 1st and 15th.
When submissions are open, a button will appear below: